73 Modem NewYork/LA Spring-Summer-2016 Edition dedicated to Armenity The International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia 2015 2015 LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA Armenity The National Pavilion of the Republic of Armenia In a year that witnesses a significant milestone for the Armenian people - the 100th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide - this pavilion marks the resilience of trans-cultural confluence and exchanges. Furthermore, the Armenian Pavilion won the Golden Lion for best National Participation at the Biennale for forming a pavilion, based on Armenian artists in diaspora, where artists highlight their Armenian roots and heritage. The curatorial concept of Armenity implies the notion of displacement and territory, justice and reconciliation, ethos and resilience. Regardless of their place of birth, the selected artists carry within their identity the memory of their origins. Through their talent and willpower, these grandchildren of survivors of the Armenian Genocide rebuilt a “transnational assembly” from the remnants of a shattered identity. Their ingrained concern for memory, justice and reconciliation skillfully tran- scends notions of territory, borders and geography. Whether they were born in Beirut, Lyon, Los Angeles, or Cairo and wherever they may reside, these global citizens constantly question and reinvent their Armenity.