Modem Back Cover : Antoine d’Agata “Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Paris” The image on the back cover of this Modem edition is part of Virus , the series of 13,000 photographs taken by Antoine d’Agata between March 11 and May 11, 2020. The artist’s view at the health crisis caused by Covid-19 and its social and political resonances. “ Virus is the result of a photographic experience born from a feeling of responsibility, of obligation, to capture day after day, this mixture of violence and softness... I explored a new language where the bodies appear transfigured, the thermal image bringing out postures, details in the bodies, curves and areas imperceptible to the naked eye...” Antoine d’Agata . Born in Marseilles, Antoine d’Agata left France in 1983. Finding himself in New York in 1990, he pursued an interest in photography by taking courses at the International Center of Photography, where his teachers included Larry Clark and Nan Goldin . His first books of photographs, De Mala Muerte and Mala Noche , were published in 1998. In 2001 he published Hometown , and won the Niépce Prize for young photographers. He continued to publish regularly: Vortex and Insomnia appeared in 2003, accompanying his exhibition 1001 Nuits, Stigma was published in 2004, Manifeste in 2005... Thanks to Magnum Photos and the Browstone Foundation See : “La vie Nue” by Antoine d’Agata