Paris Design Weeks
September 2019
Paris Design Weeks
September 2019
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Paris Design Weeks
September 2019

September 04 2019 -> September 15 2019 8am - 8pm
I am a Stool was created using the GOFR algorithm, a cornerstone of modular design that creates an interface between the sketch and the tool, an idea and its realization.

I am a Stool was made because it could be, freeing itself from limitations of use, reason and meaning.

The change in scale from 1 to 10 and the transition from design to architecture are some of the disciplinary and technical frontiers currently being challenged. NP ROLPIN plywood is used for its compatibility with digital tools that are in harmony with GOFR algorithms and the BAM construction system which is a symbiosis between tool and material.

Making a conceptual basis a monument means altering one’s way of looking at things, experimenting with an object and its use to change its meaning and the extent of its use.

Musée des Archives Nationales
60 rue des Francs-Bourgeois
75003 Paris