

DEFI - Comité de Développement et de Promotion de l'Habillement
8, rue Montesquieu
75001 Paris, FranceP : +33 (0)1 40 74 09 53
Last Updated
December 01 2020
The Committee for the Development and Promotion of French Clothing, otherwise denominated DEFI, was founded through a decree of the French Minister of Economy, Finances and Industry, dated December 20, 2000, in replacement of the Committee for the Development and the Promotion of French Textile and Clothing created in 1984.MissionsIn order to “support all kinds of collective initiatives in favour of the clothing industry” the DEFI carries out several public service missions which consist in: * Fostering programmes favouring innovation and the restoration of industrial and commercial structures, * Contributing to the improvement of training programmes for the employees and of a production, management and marketing conditions in the clothing industry, * Stimulating the national and international promotion of the products from his industry, * Participating in the development of favourable conditions for creativity in the fashion business and supporting the preservation of the fashion patrimony * Implementing economic and social research works in regard with the clothing industry, and publicizing their findings; * Contributing to the financing of programmes in keeping with the above orientations * Attending to the consistency of the activities carried out by the organizations benefiting from DEFI’s financial support.
Directeur général Paul Benyamine
Function Contacts
Contacts Secrétariat de direction Sarah Caras
Contacts Service promotion et aides Nathalie Bois
Contacts Service administratif et financier Rita Dupont
Contacts Service de la taxe affectée Habillement