GERMANY / Köln: Joan Mitchell
by Modem
© Modem

until Monday February 22 2016

Museum Ludwig
T : +49 !0)221 221 24 114
D-50667 Köln

With a ret­ro­spec­tive of Joan Mitchell’s work, the Mu­se­um Lud­wig is cont­inu­ing in the house’s tra­di­tion of large ret­ro­spec­tives of US Amer­i­can artists.

This ex­ten­sive ex­hi­bi­tion shows the whole spec­trum of her paint­ing, be­gin­n­ing in the 1950s and ex­tend­ing up to her late work. Joan Mitchell is an all-too over­looked fe­male artist who be­longed to the se­cond gen­er­a­tion of Ab­s­tract Ex­pres­sion­ists, work­ing at the same time as her male col­leagues Jack­son Pol­lock, Franz Kline, and Willem de Koon­ing.

© Modem