GERMANY / Köln: Bring Art In­to Life!
by Modem
© Modem

until Sunday September 24 2017

Museum Ludwig
T : +49 !0)221 221 24 114
D-50667 Köln

The Col­lec­tor Wolf­gang Hahn and the 60s

In the 1960s the Rhine­land was an im­por­tant cen­ter of a rev­o­lu­tio­nary de­vel­op­ment in art: a new, in­ter­na­tio­n­al­ly con­nect­ed gen­er­a­tion of artists re­belled against tra­di­tio­n­al art.

At the epi­cen­ter of this exc­it­ing time, the Cologne re­s­tor­er Wolf­gang Hahn (1924–1987) be­gan to ac­quire new art­works and as­sem­ble them in­to a mul­ti­lay­ered col­lec­tion with ex­am­ples of Nou­veau Réal­isme, Fluxus, Hap­pen­in­gs, Pop Art, and Con­cep­tu­al Art.

© Modem