SPAIN / Madrid: Danh Vō
by Modem
© Modem

until Monday March 28 2016

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
T : +91 774 10 00
Santa Isabel, 52
28012 Madrid

Banish the Faceless / Reward your Grace

Danh Vō’s (Bà Ria, Vietnam, 1975) art work subverts and plays with classic appropriation and opportunistic strategies of Western art in its approach to other cultures. His installations, sculptures, photographs and works on paper, particularly his early work, often calls on his origins and experiences, interspersing them with cultural, social, and historical references.

Danh Vō utilises 21st-century industrial exhibition typology to portray the unique architecture in the Palacio de Cristal, encapsulating the nostalgia of a nineteenth-century palaeontology and archaeology museum inside a large display cabinet.

© Modem