ITALY / Milan: Gianfranco Baruchello
by Modem
© Modem

until Monday December 22 2014

Triennale di Milano
T : +39 02 72 43 41
viale Alemagna, 6
20121 Milan

Cold Cinema. Films, Videos and Works 1960-1999 – a solo exhibition of works by Gianfranco Baruchello curated by Alessandro Rabottini – brings together, for the first time and in a systematic way, a broad selection of experimental films and videos that the artist started producing in the early 1960s.

Gianfranco Baruchello’s artistic practice is one of the most singular and complex in the world of art in Italy since the Second World War. Since the 1950s, the artist has been exploring painting, installations, assemblages, film, photography, writing and sound, expanding his visual research far beyond the traditional areas of art. He has done so by introducing the practices of agriculture, anthropology and economics into the language of art, as forms of a critical analysis of our consumer society.

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