GERMANY / Köln: HERE AND NOW: Transcorporealities - Museum Ludwig
by Modem
© Modem

until Friday January 10 2020

Museum Ludwig
T : +49 221 221 26165
50667 Köln

Transcorporalities is the fifth ex­hi­bi­tion in the pro­ject se­ries HERE AND NOW cu­rat­ed by Leonie Ra­dine at Mu­se­um Lud­wig in Cologne.

The exhibition aims to be a moment of reflection on the un­re­solved in­sti­tu­tio­n­al ques­tions about ac­ces­si­bil­i­ty as well as the pos­si­bil­i­ties and lim­its of rep­re­sent­ing bodies. For the occasion the museum opened a free­ly ac­ces­si­ble area open to­ward the ur­ban space: the foyer. With its transparent façade, the foyer, becomes a transitional space resembling a membrane that protects the inner life of the museum but also opens up its pores to the environment.

The whole exhibition is thought to immersive, performative, to directly reach the public and its senses. It also looks at the museum as a permeable system in which various entities flow into each other creating a continuos metabolic process with its environment.

Par­ti­ci­pat­ing artists: Jesse Dar­ling, Fla­ka Hal­i­ti, Tra­jal Har­rell, Paul Ma­heke, Nick Mauss, Park McArthur, Os­car Muril­lo, Son­dra Per­ry.

© Modem