Milan Design Weeks
April 2014
Milan Design Weeks
April 2014
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Milan Design Weeks
April 2014

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April 08 2014 -> April 13 2014 from 12.00 am to 7.00 pm
mycoocoon‘s holistic view of well-being provides a new kind of lifestyle and a return to harmony with oneself, providing wellness through chromatic experiences and the awakening of the senses.
mycoocoon immersion is based on the principle that each person is drawn to the color that they need to balance their energy levels.
mycoocoon is an “ Essential Luxury “, an instant source of vitality.

Hotel Boscolo Milano
corso Matteotti 4/6
20121 Milan

General enquires: Valerie Corcias & Dominique Kelly

Press Contact: Julien Verry & Guillaume Le Flour
P : +33 (0)6 43 10 32 08 / +33 (0)6 60 37 53 23