FRANCE, Menton - Museum's opening
by Modem – Posted March 21 2011
© Modem

The opening is expected for November 2011

Architect and engineer, winner of the Grand Prix national d’Architecture, Rudy Ricciotti conceived a building, in the heart of Menton, of 2700m2 to welcome all the works from the donation Séverin Wunderman. Inspired by the multiple facets of the genius of Jean Cocteau which qualified its work as "a difficult object to gather", the architecture of the museum is multiple, sometimes imperceptible just like the outside facade of the building.

The donation of Séverin Wunderman is composed of 1800 works among which 990 of Jean Cocteau offering a very complete vision of his work. Thus, the museum will present paintings, drawings, ceramic, tapestries, jewels, photos, sound documents, movies extracts from, but also 450 great masters works of the modern art friends of Jean Cocteau: Picasso, Modigliani, De Chirico, Miró, Foujita, as well as a collection of 360 works about Sarah Bernhardt.

Bastion du Vieux Port
06500 Menton
Tél. 33 (0)4 93 57 72 30.
Tarifs : 3 € (groupes à partir de 10 personnes : 2 €) ; ½ tarif : 1€50 (étudiants, enseignants, +65 ans, famille nombreuse) ; gratuit (-18 ans, groupes scolaires, demandeurs d’emploi, personnes handicapées, journalistes, artistes)

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