"Wawe" a new Optical illusion in Seoul
by Modem – Posted May 18 2020
© Modem

D'strict company has created an impressive optical illusion in the area of Gangnam-gu in Seoul, South Korea. This large outdoor advertising area is the largest in the country, featuring giant LED screens on the walls of several buildings.

The most famous is the artium COEX, with an electronic display with a capacity of 18 hours per day, measuring 80 metres wide and 23 metres high. These massive screens envelop the entire building and display Korean waves. Since the 1990s, these waves have been linked to South Korean culture, which is now very popular throughout the world.

D'strict use is made of the anamorphic process, that is to say the reversible deformation of an image with the help of an optical system. These projected waves crash into the glass, giving the impression of engulfing passers-by. This experimental project integrates digital technology and virtual content into our environment.

As impressive in its technicality as in its impact, this work is fascinating. The force of water seems to be about to break the glass and flood the streets. The installation is accompanied by an audio tape that generates a captivating experience. This extraordinary illusion will be admired by very few people, due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has considerably reduced human activity.

Artium COEX
Gangnam-gu Area - Seoul,
South Korea

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