A Sustainable Fashion Glossary published at
by Modem – Posted May 28 2020
© Modem

Few days ago Condé Nast has published The Sustainable Fashion Glossary, created in partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF).

This useful new tool covers years and years of deep research, accuracy and consciousness; it contains over 250 words and will tend to improve a more eco-friendly chain among the global fashion system, with the proposition of being a way-to-update bible for media by providing guidance on the most pertinent terms surrounding sustainability in fashion: its cultures, materials, production, buying habits and care practices.

The Glossary was developed through collaboration between industry and academia and includes input from Condé Nast, including Vogue’s global editors-in-chief, Centre for Sustainable Fashion, and a global network of academic researchers to bring local perspectives.

As long as our culture changes the Glossary changes too: it works as a developing digital document who will be updated constantly and will provide a better understanding about how new fashion ideas communicate.

By clicking on > , you will find the keywords used in the sustainable fashion common language.

© Modem