The Fédération de la Mode Circulaire unveiled in Paris
by Modem – Posted April 27 2022
© Modem

A group of young and experienced French executives unveiled in Paris the Fédération de la Mode Circulaire, a project created to inject new dynamism into the fight against global climate change caused by the fashion and luxury industry.
"We need to reduce our carbon footprint from 20 tons per year to two tons per year. Luckily, we've never had as much technology, money and entrepreneurial talent as we do now. So I really believe in the circular economy," says Stanislas de Quercize, who initiated the project. He is on the board of SAVIH, a family investment fund, and has also served as president of Richemont France and Cartier North America.

Behind the project, there is a team composed of CrushON, The Good Goods, Ethiwork, La Caserne, and various players in the industry, which bring together all the circular fashion leaders around meetings, advisory boards, training workshops, and joint research programs.

Three statutory branches and two boards already make up the Federation: the recycling, upcycling, vintage fashion and the second hand, circular luxury, circular tech & fashion.

Among the founding members of the new federation there are also major players like Kering, Printemps, Galeries Lafayette, Vestiaire Collective and young designers such as Marine Serre and Diane de Malherbe. The initiative is supported by the Institut Français de la Mode, the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode and Paris Good Fashion.

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