Fashion and food meet in Milan
by Modem – Posted September 24 2023
© Modem

Enyoing good traditional Milanese food immersed in a luxurious atmosphere, between red velvets and antique furniture, sumptuous jewels and elegant clothes. It is the new place to be in the Lombardy capital opened by Bozart. Its Club 80, a boutique-restaurant, in via Goldoni 24, between Piazza Venezia and Piazza Tricolore, in the heart of the city. A concept originated from the idea to transform the tastes of the fashion into a dish. Thus Maurizio Manca, creative director of Bozart for thirty years, combined his role as stylist with that of being chef, creating a one-of-a-kind place. The fashion show presented during Milan fashion week in the new location is the first result of this union, in which each dress was combined with the dishes on the menu, reproducing the style of Bozart jewels in each of them.

Modem interviewed Maurizio Manca on the occasion of Milan fashion week.

Why did Bozart, a fashion company, decide to enter the world of food?
Bozart was among the fashion companies that in the in the 1970s participated in the birth of the great entrepreneurial and cultural movement that led to the global development of the 'Made in Italy' brand. Cuisine today has the role that fashion had in the 70s in promoting Made in Italy. In many respects, the figure of the stylist and that of the 'Chef' are overlapping: the fashion aesthetics is based on the category of the Beautiful just as that of cooking is founded on the category of Good. The Beautiful and the Good have been founding forces of Italian culture for more than 2000 years. So we asked ourselves how much of our over sixty-year experience in the aesthetics of the Beautiful could be transferred to enrich the world of the Good. It is for this reason why the Bozart Club 80 project was born, part cultural project, part entrepreneurial project.

What do fashion and cooking have in common?
Cuisine and fashion have the concept of 'Taste' in common. We have considered the ides to investigate the relationships and resonances between tastes in fashion and those in cuisine very interesting. Which recipes does the 'Romantic' flavor correspond to? How do you translate a Minimal or a 'Baroque' fashion taste into a dish? Does the equivalent of the 4 (or 5) fundamental tastes of the palate exist in fashion aesthetics? Seasonality is another point of contact between fashion and cuisine. Just as the Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter collections exist in fashion, the same seasons exist in the menus that often use seasonal fruits and vegetables. We have thus created collection menus inspired by fashion collections. We believe this interaction between different aesthetics and techniques could be interesting not only for our corporate culture but also for growing both the world of fashion and that of Kitchen.

What is the business idea behind the project?
If we look at the most striking global successes of Made in Italy, we see that Italian fashion and cuisine occupy a place of absolute importance. Bringing together the Boutique and the Restaurant, two great international protagonists of Made in Italy, in a single format seemed entrepreneurially interesting. The choice of the Club as an atmosphere and environmental aesthetic, it is to correspond to a need for the relashion to others, almost familiar. A discreet, relaxed, but also culturally stimulating environment in which two worlds with a thousand-year history, fashion and cuisine, meet and compare around the eternal themes of the Beautiful and the Good.

Bozart Club 80
via Carlo Goldoni 24
20129 Milano

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