Paris Design Weeks
September 2023
Charles de Gaulle Etoile
Paris Design Weeks
September 2023
Charles de Gaulle Etoile
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Paris Design Weeks
September 2023

Goethe-Institut de Paris
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September 06 2023 -> September 16 2023 6: 09:00-21:00 / Saturday 9 & Sunday 16: 10:00 - 17:00
Ecodesign is quality design that benefits both people and the environment. It is not just about the design of material goods, but also about the user-friendly and environmentally-friendly conception of services and systems. The German Ecodesign Award recognises designers, companies and students in Germany and Europe whose work has a significant impact on the sustainable transformation of our economy and society. The aim of the competition is to promote innovations and disseminate products and services with a high ecological value. Since 2012, the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) have been awarding the German Ecodesign Award annually in cooperation with the International Design Center Berlin e. V. (IDZ).

Goethe-Institut De Paris
17 Avenue d'Iéna
75116 Paris

Press Contact: Philipp Asbach